The Instagram vs. IRL problem

Are we headed to a good place with social media? Continue Reading


Got my ass slapped into LinkedIn Jail

I may never get paroled. Continue Reading


Do people actually want to critically consume information?

Noise vs. literacy with a side of relevance. Continue Reading


The modern moment: “You have no dignity.” “Um, you’ve never met or spoken to me.”

Someone told me in a Twitter thread last night that I “lack dignity.” The person and I have never met or spoken. Is this modern comms? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 54: The Gram and fatherhood

There’s almost too much stuff in this discussion to summarize, but IG, five-year plans, fatherhood, and Minneapolis might start it up. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 51: How do/did you define yourself in your 30s?

A discussion on middle class markers, defining yourself, paying attention to others, and the value of laziness. Continue Reading


You would think this might be a moment that we throw less shit at each other, right?

In a time we theoretically discuss the need for unity, our discourse has become super divisive. Are we on the ledge? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 18: The Pill vs. Google, work as a game, IG’s future, and more

A conversation with William Tincup of the HR Tech world about The Pill, Barcelona football, LeBron, the future of Instagram, and more. Continue Reading