No shit, Facebook can cause depression

Facebook and Depression

People love to breathlessly analyze any stats about Facebook, largely because it’s at the center of a lot of people’s social universes. I think most logical people — remember: most people aren’t necessarily logical — can understand that Facebook probably isn’t the… Continue Reading

95% of Twitter mentions for Elizabeth Arden are spam, eh?

Elizabeth Arden and Twitter Spam

I’ve written before about small business marketing success stories via Twitter, and I completely understand the potential value of Twitter, but there’s a part of me that wonders why brands devote any true resource to it (other than maybe 20-25 minutes per… Continue Reading

The biggest themes of the most-shared Internet content are…

What Does The Internet Think About?

If you read David Plotz’s goodbye letter from Slate a while back, you might assume that all that matters on the Internet is memes and funny (or animal) pictures. (Hell, if you’ve ever been on the Internet for 45 or… Continue Reading

Facebook might not be popular among teens, but it’ll still rule their lives

Facebook and the Internet of Things

Follow the bouncing ball: Even though people bitch about it all the time, Facebook is a fairly dominant platform. That said, it has some issues. Especially with teenagers. (Although buying Instagram was a good play.) Its core business, though, is really the… Continue Reading

Your LinkedIn job title is ridiculous.

Ridiculous LinkedIn Job Titles

You’re not an “Analytics Sensei.” That sounds preposterous. Continue Reading

U.S. social media usage is actually below the global median

74 percent of U.S. internet users actually use social media

I know some days it can feel like everyone you know is on social media doing their whole “me-former” thing, but in reality only about 74 percent of Internet users in America actually use social sites. (More information is here; women… Continue Reading

Gary Vaynerchuk annoys me, but he’s dead right about Twitter

GaryVee and Twitter

I’ve never personally met Gary Vaynerchuk and I probably never will, although he does live in the same city as my parents (“… so you’re saying there’s a chance…”). He seems like maybe he’s a tad on the self-promotional side (regarding… Continue Reading

Let’s stop breathlessly analyzing Twitter’s influence and data, shall we?

Twitter Breathless Data Analysis

You may have heard about this SXSW presentation from Jonah Perretti, the CEO of BuzzFeed (and the brother of the comedienne currently on Brooklyn Nine-Nine) that basically shows Twitter has a lot of influence, but ultimately people take what they… Continue Reading