Ah, look. Another leadership study. What can we learn?

Damn, leadership. You scary. (Family Guy reference.) Everybody seems to chase it, and everybody wants to be good at it, and there’s this belief that maybe in the coming generations the idea of being “a good leader” will actually have… Continue Reading

This list of “Why Women Fake Orgasms” will make you weep

Why Women Fake Orgasms

Let me be clear with something upfront before this gets too off the rails: I am personally a man (to the best of my knowledge), and I’m about 128% sure that women have faked orgasms with me, and probably a… Continue Reading

Holiday Inn Express just killed all the Baby Boomers

Millennials Love Automation At Hotels

Here’s an article from Fast Company on the redesign of Holiday Inn Express hotels (only in Europe for now // more on that in a second); the article is kind of odd and written in a coy, flirty way where… Continue Reading

1992-2006, mortality rates for women rose in 42.8% of U.S. counties. For men? 3.4% of counties.

White Women Mortality Rates Opioids

Think about this: for the most part, people are living longer — except, perhaps, African-American men in Mississippi — but yet, U.S. women aged 15 to 54 are dying at a very high rate. This Washington Post article, where I first came… Continue Reading

Santa Fe is the best place to own a business as a woman

Santa Fe Great For Women-Owned Businesses

Aside from the whole “They may have limited access to water” concept, New Mexico is a place everyone should consider moving in the next eight years — and especially women who want to own their own business. This comes from NerdWallet, who… Continue Reading

Cost of living: Where in America would $100 go the farthest?

Cost of Living in the U.S. per $100

Via Vox’s Content Marketing 101 headline “70 Maps That Explain America,” and in turn this post, here’s a general idea of what $100 (national average) will get you in each state in the union:


Maybe funny is the new sexy

Make Your Partner Laugh

97% of single women consider having a sense of humor just as important as physical attractiveness these days, eh? Nice. Continue Reading

If you’re an idiot, you probably think you’re a genius

Kruger Dunning Effect and Incompetence

Cue it up: This finding was not a quirk of trying to measure subjective sense of humour. The researchers repeated the experiment, only this time with tests of logical reasoning and grammar. These disciplines have defined answers, and in each… Continue Reading