Stop wasting the time of people who work for you

Is there a path to cultures where everyone has a good understanding of priorities as opposed to time-suck tasks? Continue Reading

“Knowledge work” during COVID: Are we virtue-signaling and lying?

Are we really working more, or are we working more on our lives and claiming we work more to avoid another layoff wave? Continue Reading

The problem with “side of desk” work

There are basically two ways to get promoted/advanced in white-collar. One lets you be an ass, and one burns you out completely. Continue Reading


“Bring your whole self to work?” LOL, that’s horrific advice.

“Being authentic” can often (sadly) mean “signing up for the next layoff list.” Continue Reading

About 95% of deadlines can be adjusted

Deadlines are not nearly as intractable or set in stone as we think. Continue Reading

What if everything we know about time management is wrong?

Time management activities

Who run the world? People claiming to be busy all the time. Who should run the world? Time multipliers. Continue Reading

“65 hours a week? I remember my first part-time job!”

I wanted to spear this idiot through a table. Continue Reading

If a call or meeting is meaningless, kill the damn thing

Dump out of the bullshit. Continue Reading