Dr. Bernard Meyerson and the world in five years

IBM released its “5 in 5” report last week. It’s supposed to showcase how the world will look in five years via technology and smart computing; they also released a series of videos, which are embedded throughout this post (and… Continue Reading


Porn analytics can be illuminating

I won’t go too deeply into this, as (a) it’s Christmas Eve and (b) the broader topic might scare off some readers, but there’s an article on Gizmodo recapping the year in porn (via PornHub’s porn analytics charts; I won’t… Continue Reading


The Harlem Shake: Ties to New York and Queensland, yet staggeringly popular in Poland

‘Tis the season for those year-end trend reports from organizations with a lot of data, and Facebook went big with their post yesterday. Here’s the official post, which is a little generic: for example, it lists the “top 10 life events”… Continue Reading