The yin and the yang of the holidays: Rion Holcombe and Steve Whitcomb

The holidays are supposed to be a blissful time for family and gatherings and, more often then not, they are. But for all the positives, periodically there are some negatives during this time of year as well. People lose loved… Continue Reading


Dr. Bernard Meyerson and the world in five years

IBM released its “5 in 5” report last week. It’s supposed to showcase how the world will look in five years via technology and smart computing; they also released a series of videos, which are embedded throughout this post (and… Continue Reading

On the glory of Fred Hoiberg

I normally don’t pay attention to college basketball until after the Super Bowl — and I went to a basketball school — but I thought I’d dip a toe in the water here and talk for a second about Fred… Continue Reading

What does it mean that Kansas walked away from the Common Core?

Common Core is essentially a national slate of education standards that essentially says what kids should know at the end of each grade from K-12. So far it’s been formally adopted by most states, although reviews are mixed — some believe… Continue Reading

Surfing Santas event has officially maxed out Cocoa Beach, FL; welcome to our confusing global future

This was the fifth year of “Surfing Santas,” an event down in Cocoa Beach, FL. It benefits Grind for Life, which is a really worthy cause. While there are other “Surfing Santa” events — like this one in Laguna Niguel… Continue Reading

Two groups that benefit immensely from Christmas morning: app developers and the Catholic Church

Ah, Christmas morning. If you have children under 11, you’re probably up at 5am. It’s undoubtedly a magical time, but we hardly associate it with money — in fact, most people are off, most places are closed, and you’re probably… Continue Reading

Ananda Pradnya Paramita and the culture of the workaholic

30 hours of working and still going strooong. — Mita Diran (@mitdoq) December 14, 2013 After sending that tweet, the 27 year-old copywriter at Young and Rubicam Indonesia fell into a coma and ultimately died. Criticism of the ad industry was… Continue Reading


Porn analytics can be illuminating

I won’t go too deeply into this, as (a) it’s Christmas Eve and (b) the broader topic might scare off some readers, but there’s an article on Gizmodo recapping the year in porn (via PornHub’s porn analytics charts; I won’t… Continue Reading