The Blunder Years, Episode 11: Is work even psychologically safe?

I’ve written a couple of times about this idea of “psychological safety” — here and here, notably — and you may know it as a major finding of Google’s “Project Aristotle,” which was a quest to build the perfect team and gets mentioned in about 9,733 management articles per week somewhere on the Internet. The thing is, though: it’s true. How would a team be high-performing if the members don’t trust each other’s intentions, motives, work ethic, etc? It’s a very important part of the equation.

I’ve known my man Anil Saxena online for about three years, ever since I wrote this post on how crappy consultants can be and compared work to “chimp rape” with help from Dan Rust, who wrote a book called Workplace Poker. Anil and I have traded thoughts on lots of stuff online, so I brought him on this episode to talk live, love, and work — and admittedly we spent about 90 percent of the time discussing work. Ha. Nerd Alert!

But there’s good stuff in here on leaders, managers, HR, incentive structures, bad job interviews, good job interviews, getting back on your feet, and whether work is actually — sorry Google — psychologically safe for us at all.

Where’s the audio?

I used to embed audio but I think it was slowing down my site a little bit, so now I’ll just give you a link where you can pick your preferred audio source. That link would be here.

Be well, and let’s keep doing it big.

Ted Bauer