Here’s a simplistic idea: could we save the planet by reducing our focus on how business must occur face-to-face?

By now you’ve probably heard about or seen or have some context around this new climate change report, which was fairly dire. At the same time, the percentage of Americans who care about the issue is essentially the same as… Continue Reading


If we want to solve the skills gap issue in the U.S., maybe we should turn to reciprocity (like parts of Europe)

“You don’t really know what you get,” she says. “If someone tells you they’re an electrician, they could have just exchanged light bulbs at an amusement park or they could have worked, maybe, at complex problems.” That quote is from… Continue Reading

This President Obama State of the Union word cloud is all about America and unity

Here’s the word cloud from last night’s State of the Union address. Some of the top words: “America” and “American” and “Americans.” See a theme here? Other key ones: “people” and “jobs” and “help” and “work.” Again, see a theme? Here’s… Continue Reading

The Heinz-McDonald’s breakup probably isn’t that big of a deal, and has more to do with Brazil

Breathlessly, The Huffington Post called it “the divorce of the century.” But in reality, McDonald’s and Heinz have been through this dance before — notably in 1973, when a tomato shortage caused Heinz to focus less on their bulk fast-food accounts. After that,… Continue Reading