The Blunder Years, Episode 66: Is college still valuable?

We know costs of higher education keep rising. We know debt makes it harder for people to have a life right out of school. Is the whole deal worth it? Continue Reading

Student loans will mentally devastate you

Student Loan Debt

I just paid Installment No. 1 of my graduate school student loans two days ago. I hit “Submit” on that online form, basically muttered to myself “Here we go…,” realized it was probably another 30 years until I’d be totally… Continue Reading

Where are the most U.S. citizens in debt? San Jose and McAllen, Texas apparently.

77 million American adults — which is one-third of the populace — have debt in collections right now. The average — remember, I just typed “average” — American with a credit file has $50,000 in debt. If you’re looking for… Continue Reading

How to save more money: start by feeling more powerful, and thinking that power is connected to savings

So says new research from the Stanford PhD dissertation of Emily Garbinsky: Through a series of five experiments, the authors showed that feeling powerful — defined as having control over valuable resources — is a pleasant state that individuals are… Continue Reading

Clayton Christensen vs. Michael Porter on MOOCs

College is expensive, and it’s not likely getting any less expensive, and perhaps the whole tipping point can be solved by MOOCs. Now the discussion seems to be shifting over to the MBA world — those degrees are expensive, but they… Continue Reading

You probably shouldn’t major in arts at Murray State University, or straight-up attend Shaw University

Well, this is depressing. PayScale did some “college ROI” and found that Harvey Mudd College is basically a more valuable education than Harvard or Stanford (red flag!) and (first link) there are a bunch of schools — topped by Shaw University in NC… Continue Reading


This one paragraph essentially summarizes one of America’s biggest challenges today

More than a third of American colleges and universities have deteriorating finances, according to a 2012 report. While more Americans find that a college degree is their only ticket to the middle class, fewer institutions are able to provide it at… Continue Reading