Crawling towards 39, mostly pathetic, and trying to get to a place I’m proud of

Ted Bauer 2015 Not Ideal

I’m largely a failure as I near the end of my 30s, and I need to own that and start the process of doing better. Continue Reading


The ecosystem of mistakes being made at work

Like many things at work, this is about how good at their job your manager is. Continue Reading

How the Houston Astros seem to randomly explain my life (good and bad)

Life’s random, but it works. Continue Reading


“We don’t reward people for admitting they are wrong”

What if we viewed vulnerability as a strength? Continue Reading


Four years, two lives, one realization

I moved to Texas on July 14, 2014. A lot has changed. Continue Reading

What matters is the moment AFTER the moment

It’s not about getting through the shit. It’s about what you do once you’re initially through. Continue Reading

I graduated college 15 years ago. A lot of shit’s changed.

I’m divorced, one of my best friends is dead, and I’m trying to thrive. What does it all mean, y’all? Continue Reading


Don’t run from your shortcomings. Embrace ’em.


The system works like this: fail, fix the failure, fail again, fix that failure, and continue to grow. Oh wait. The system ** should ** work like that. BS and bluster gets in the way. Continue Reading