Demographic shifts: The population pyramid is over. What does that mean?

Population Pyramid

This is the first blog post I’ve written in about a week, because I was in Paris and London with my wife for the better part of the last seven days. (I’ll do a recap post on that a little… Continue Reading


Increase productivity, contentment: Seek the ‘Four-Way Win’

Personal Productivity Four-Way Win

I almost titled this “Increase productivity, happiness…” but then I remembered happiness is bullshit and one should chase contentment, so I re-titled it. There are six million and five approaches to being more productive and more happy — entire sections… Continue Reading

Here are the 10 cities with the largest share of young adults

Salt Lake City Young People

People love to breathlessly discuss “the cities of the future” or “where the young people are headed,” and goddamn hand to some deity, I am no exception. I’ve written about people moving away from coasts, the best cities for jobs… Continue Reading


Likability: 13 Traits To Work On

How To Become More Likeable

At the core of most relationships is this idea of likability. Very few people are friends with, or do business with, people they don’t actually like (or generally enjoy the presence of). There is something to be said for the… Continue Reading


Stephen J. Dubner pushes back on Big Data

Stephen J. Dubner and Big Data

Big Data is one of the more interesting intersection points in recent human history (sorry to oversell that, which I admittedly probably did). Here’s what we know: C-Suite executives value the idea as a concept, but don’t really know exactly… Continue Reading

Car culture is (slowly) dying, but the future is hard to predict

Car Culture Is Slowly Dying

I was driving to my uncle’s for Thanksgiving with my dad, my mom, and my wife; I dropped a knowledge bomb on my parents somewhere in that ride that literally seemed to give my father pause. Interested in what it… Continue Reading


What if Baby Boomers start leaving experiences (instead of money) to millennials?

Baby Boomers Millennials Travel

I have a ton of thoughts on all this, but I don’t want to get extremely far off the rails before I even really start talking, so … let me begin with a story, which tends to center me. I… Continue Reading

Here are the 30 fastest-growing cities of 2014

You start with the Brookings Institute’s “Global Metro Monitor,” and then you move on over to CityLab breaking down the data. In there, you’ll find a chart of, essentially, the 30 fastest-growing cities in the world in 2014. Basically, it looks at the change… Continue Reading