Who cares if you’re an individual superstar if you can’t work on a team?

Found this article on Forbes via Digital Tonto. It’s about individuals vs. teams in terms of development, etc. Here’s the final paragraph, which kind of summarizes everything (as final paragraphs tend to do): All of this points to a major change in… Continue Reading


Empathy is more valuable than critical thinking on people issues

Dylann Roof Empathy

Whenever something like the Charleston shooting happens, there’s a million and one narratives that pop up all over the place (thank you, social media and ease of e-mail) related to what exactly the problem is. I myself am guilty of this; I wrote… Continue Reading

Life Key: Move away from fear, greed, and ignorance

Greed Fear Ignorance

This is kind of interesting. MIT has this project called “ULab,” which is designed to transform higher education. That’s a pretty complex topic to tackle, because a lot of the problems with higher education come from the context of how… Continue Reading


Likability: 13 Traits To Work On

How To Become More Likeable

At the core of most relationships is this idea of likability. Very few people are friends with, or do business with, people they don’t actually like (or generally enjoy the presence of). There is something to be said for the… Continue Reading

Your boss probably lacks EQ

EQ in Management

From here, observe this graph:

58 percent of supervisor job skills come from four traits. Learn them.

Emotional Quotient

Want to be a better manager? Focus on these four core concepts. Continue Reading