Where in the U.S. can you live eight years longer on average?

U.S. Areas With Longer Life Expectancy

From here: The key areas, then: Northeast Corridor/Philly Western coast of California Seattle Oregon/Washington border Southern Florida retirement areas Suburban Dallas and Houston Boulder/Denver, CO In those areas, it’s about eight years longer — which is almost a full decade… Continue Reading


Core skill for salespeople: Verbal acuity

Traits of Good Salespeople

“Sales” is an insanely flummoxing concept to me. It’s pretty much everything at some level — because you can have the greatest product, the greatest process, or the greatest people in the world, right? But if no one can sell it and… Continue Reading

Incubators probably don’t actually work that well

Maybe incubators don't really work

In our grand race to deify the Bay Area culture while ignoring the fact that modern-day San Francisco may someday go the way of Detroit (and simultaneously ignoring the fact that Steve Jobs himself predicted the demise of the tech industry), we… Continue Reading

No shit, Facebook can cause depression

Facebook and Depression

People love to breathlessly analyze any stats about Facebook, largely because it’s at the center of a lot of people’s social universes. I think most logical people — remember: most people aren’t necessarily logical — can understand that Facebook probably isn’t the… Continue Reading

Bullshit Studies 101: “Parenting Time Doesn’t Matter.”

Parenting Time Does Matter

I quote studies and research on here all the time, because, well, frankly I’m personally not that intelligent — so I figure if anyone is going to assign any veracity to anything I say, I should probably back it up… Continue Reading

Here’s a quick test that could determine if you’re going to be wealthy

Make Money Money

Check this out: You scan the grid, then figure out what number is associated with “music.” Then you answer. Simple, right? Thing is, the answers are easy — but after a couple of minutes of doing this, your brain basically… Continue Reading

The biggest themes of the most-shared Internet content are…

What Does The Internet Think About?

If you read David Plotz’s goodbye letter from Slate a while back, you might assume that all that matters on the Internet is memes and funny (or animal) pictures. (Hell, if you’ve ever been on the Internet for 45 or… Continue Reading

U.S. social media usage is actually below the global median

74 percent of U.S. internet users actually use social media

I know some days it can feel like everyone you know is on social media doing their whole “me-former” thing, but in reality only about 74 percent of Internet users in America actually use social sites. (More information is here; women… Continue Reading