For higher landing page conversion rates, try a survey

I’ve been thinking a little bit more about landing pages and conversion rates recently; I do it in my own job, and some freelance efforts, but it’s also just something I’m interested in. I watched an entire video this morning… Continue Reading

Can Big Data be profitable?

“Big data” has been a term of note for a few years now — maybe going on a half-decade. Companies seem to love the idea of it, even though the C-Suite doesn’t completely understand it and schools aren’t necessarily teaching… Continue Reading

This headline might be 22% more effective than yours

Quickly, from the Buffer blog: back in late May, they ran two variants of the same headline on their blog. Here’s Headline A: “The Simple Test That Increased Our Referrals.” Here’s Headline B: “The Simple Test That Increased Our Referrals… Continue Reading

Brief thought exercise: does it really matter how many Twitter followers you have?

I used to work with this kid back in the day; almost three or four times a workday, he would tell someone (or speak to himself out loud, which I would classify as awkward but I do too) how many… Continue Reading

76 percent of business interactions on social media are “neutral?” That’s boring.

Big organizations may have ruined social in some ways. They rushed in at one point trying to be cool, and now your NewsFeed and Timeline and whatever else can be cluttered with stuff about Fritos. This is a potential tipping… Continue Reading

Are hashtags going to become really valuable during the 2014 World Cup?

FIFA is definitely going big-time on social media for the 2014 World Cup, and it appears that brands might be as well. Here’s a quote via Mashable: “Connecting with fans posting through social is a critical opportunity for advertisers, who can engage… Continue Reading

Is social media ultimately more an engagement platform or a traffic driver?

A couple of nights ago, I read this “It Takes 45 Days To Send A Single Corporate Tweet” article and thought to myself: Well, this won’t really engender much more respect to the social media process. Then I read this piece… Continue Reading

How long should the ideal blog post be?

If you believe in the idea of inbound marketing as a potential wave of the short-to-intermediate term future (in reality, it’s already here), then you need to be blogging on your organization site and creating content that draws in the… Continue Reading