The Blunder Years, Episode 58: “A lot of people inside companies know the execs are full of shit”

Is the “clarion call” of successful adulthood knowing how to be honest with yourself, your co-workers, your family, and your friends? Continue Reading

The silence of execs in this moment is, well, deafening

Executives tend to focus on brand and compliance, and leadership coaches don’t want to alienate clients. But both need to speak up more now. Continue Reading

Buzzword Vomit during an actual crisis? Uhh, there’s a better way.

This is a crisis moment for people’s finances, and senior leaders are saying crap about “value” and “virtues.” How do we get better? Continue Reading


The “when” to “if” problem

A profound psychological shift for many people is the assumptive moment of “when” becoming the distant possibility moment of “if.” Continue Reading

If you already sucked at being a friend or your job, COVID-19 has provided an easy excuse for the moment

COVID-19 will shift lots of things, but how people treat their “friends” and their job won’t necessarily be among ’em. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 38: My girlfriend and I discuss life, Lent, loss, love

My girlfriend and I tape a discussion, briefly, about life, Lent, loss, decision-making, love in the time of corona, and Samson dog. Continue Reading


Stop profiteering. You are missing the point of this moment.

This is a different moment for businesses. It’s not about chasing leads so much as chasing stability. You’re alienating people otherwise. Continue Reading


Consistent, massive layoffs do not make you a good business dude (sorry)

Layoffs should not be considered “strategic.” While they save a company money, they do a bunch of harm. Can we realize that yet? Continue Reading