Future of Marketing: Science, Storytelling, Speed, Simplicity, and Substance (5S)

  People who study business love things like “The 4Ps” (price, product, promotion, and place!) or “The 7C Compass Model” or whatever. In reality, this is mostly reams of bullshit, or a way to potentially think about the bigger ideas… Continue Reading


The sales-marketing divide isn’t going away anytime soon

Sales-Marketing Divide

I had a freelance gig for a while writing articles for 9Lenses, and one of the articles I wrote was this jam on how to align sales and marketing. I think that’s a fairly large topic and people often avoid it, or… Continue Reading

It might actually suck more to NOT lose your job to automation

It might be worse if a robot doesn't steal your job

Work automation is coming, baby! The highest numbers you’ll see in various articles are close to 50 percent — meaning 1 in 2 jobs could be automated someday. That’s a whole thing, no? Today, Fast Company has an article about “What Work Will… Continue Reading


Marketing automation needs to become more adaptable

Marketing Automation Is A Mess

I work in marketing and am generally of the strong belief that it needs to evolve as a field — there’s still way too many people in the industry and running departments who think in the old-school way (ad buys, “power branding,”… Continue Reading