The Blunder Years, Episode 47: Relationships and weddings post-divorce, rose-colored glasses, societal pressures

When you attend your first wedding after you yourself have been divorced, how do you feel? Can you still believe in what you’re seeing? Continue Reading

Availability bias, proof by example fallacy, and tribalism, OH MY!

The increasing rush to sameness and comfort of American work and business models: dangerous, or just fine? Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 46: TiVo | Teenagers | Identity | Swim Lanes

A wide-ranging discussion on the early days of TiVo and whether teenagers have a moral obligation to be dicks to their parents. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 45: “Did God fill out that form for you?”

How much of our success is it OK to attribute to some higher power? Plus: conspiracy theories, drinking, and relationships. Continue Reading


The Desperation Economy vs. The Woke Economy vs. “The Return To Normal”

There are three pills we can take post-COVID: one is good (empathy!), one is not so good (desperation!), and one is a return to “usual.” Continue Reading

Our COVID mental health reckoning … or not?

The prevailing idea about “post-COVID” is that we’d see a big mental health decline, but that’s something with more nuance than we realize. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 44: God and data

A conversation between two old friends about relationships, data, sports, God, platform thinking, and much more. Continue Reading