Bridges vs. trenches

Digging down vs. reaching across. Execs may not care, but there’s money involved. Continue Reading


Do you really think the government could keep a conspiracy quiet for years? Honestly?

There’s too much need for relevance, need for attention, too many silos, and too much politics to believe a conspiracy would never be leaked. Continue Reading

Availability bias, proof by example fallacy, and tribalism, OH MY!

The increasing rush to sameness and comfort of American work and business models: dangerous, or just fine? Continue Reading

Can we ever kill silo thinking? (Likely not.)

Silo thinking

Don’t hold your breath here. Continue Reading


The Silo Effect: Kill it with fire

Silo Effect

“Everyone knows Operations is saving this place’s ass! Without us, we’d all be out on the street!” < --- this attitude, i.e. The Silo Effect and slow-moving decision-making as a result, is how we get disrupted. Continue Reading