Can we end the job-hopping stigma?

Let's end the job hopping stigma

Human Resources has been chasing ‘the seat at the table’ for probably three generations now, but many organizations still treat it as a compliance function and many outright ignore it. From a senior management standpoint, the reasoning is simple: HR doesn’t generate… Continue Reading


At the end of your career, what will you value?

I once — way back in the day — wrote a post about how much people connect their self-worth to their job, and that might be a small corollary to what I’m about to discuss here. It’s this big concept: you spend a lot… Continue Reading


The basic life path is changing, and we should address that

I got this idea from here. Let’s look at the “standard first-world life path:” Pretty simple, yes? You start in a “safety net” — meaning your parents are economically responsible for you, then you learn (K-12, college), and then you leave… Continue Reading


This is what should scare you about your life/career

Don't Wait To See Things

How old and experienced is an average CEO?

In the fall of 2012, I had a semi-interesting conversation with a kid I was going to graduate school with. At the time, I think I was 31; the other person in question was 24. We were both males. The… Continue Reading