On virtue-signaling at work

It’s not just a political thing, fam. Continue Reading

The evolution of core values

The time for lip service is quite logically over. Continue Reading


We are not our failures, no, but our jobs need more transparency there

We are not our failures

Transparency around the role of failure within organizations is a good thing. Continue Reading

Add “business journey” to the buzzword list

Business Journey

Your origin story and path forward should be notable elements of who you are, but often they’re jargon-chocked BS. What now? Continue Reading


We think about business competition all wrong

Business Competition

Stop thinking your rivals’ market share is some flag you need to capture, and then maybe we can fix a few societal ills as well. Continue Reading

Why company core values actually matter

Company Core Values

Chase the cheddar with some “mission and purpose” in mind. Continue Reading

Corporate values and enemies

Corporate Values

Trump’s America? Continue Reading