Digital Transformation: Absolutely can be done, but we made it such a buzzword

Man, we are not good at speaking clearly about important elements of work, and it creates a good deal of confusion. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 49: Dealing with recruiters during a pandemic

In about 22 minutes, let an actual recruiter talk to you about what recruiters look for and how they think, in case you need a job right now. Continue Reading


The Blunder Years, Episode 47: Relationships and weddings post-divorce, rose-colored glasses, societal pressures

When you attend your first wedding after you yourself have been divorced, how do you feel? Can you still believe in what you’re seeing? Continue Reading


The Desperation Economy vs. The Woke Economy vs. “The Return To Normal”

There are three pills we can take post-COVID: one is good (empathy!), one is not so good (desperation!), and one is a return to “usual.” Continue Reading

Our COVID mental health reckoning … or not?

The prevailing idea about “post-COVID” is that we’d see a big mental health decline, but that’s something with more nuance than we realize. Continue Reading

Buzzword Vomit during an actual crisis? Uhh, there’s a better way.

This is a crisis moment for people’s finances, and senior leaders are saying crap about “value” and “virtues.” How do we get better? Continue Reading

If you already sucked at being a friend or your job, COVID-19 has provided an easy excuse for the moment

COVID-19 will shift lots of things, but how people treat their “friends” and their job won’t necessarily be among ’em. Continue Reading

What might actually change in society because of coronavirus?

We are saying that about 91,223 different things will change post-COVID. That won’t happen. But what might actually shift? Continue Reading