Networking sucks and is largely pointless too

Skip the mixer and go play soccer, for real. Continue Reading

What if decisiveness is actually a bad trait in managers?

It’s sad when companies just come to resemble a bunch of guys with no idea what they’re even doing running around sending emails they supposedly think are “decisive” and “strategic.” Continue Reading


Wait, isn’t ageism paradoxical to making the most money possible?

The way companies make decisions is so flawed. Continue Reading


Are gender dynamics so skewed because men are terrified of women?

We might be getting close to the raw skin of the issue here. Continue Reading

Women likely develop employees better than men do

Girl Boss time. Continue Reading


Why do people have dating types at all?

Dating types

Need to look at some research to get at the core of this one. Continue Reading


The “boys don’t cry” problem of work

Boys don't cry

If your own relationship with your dad was strained, does that make you a bad manager 30-40 years down the line? Continue Reading


Loved Trainwreck, but …

Saw it on Friday night, when it came out. I honestly think the last movie I saw on the day it came out was one of the Twilight movies, and that was done somewhat ironically. Fun story from that movie,… Continue Reading