Google+ should really be an interests network

Google+ Should Be An Interests Network

You may have seen a little bit around Google+ in the last few days; Chris Messina, who was a developer advocate and UX designer on the product, wrote this article for Medium. It essentially goes into some of the pros… Continue Reading


Conventional SEO is kind of dumb, right?

“Your brand’s website and online presence needs to align around targeted customer intent(s), not traditional keywords-focused optimization,” notes Grant Simmons in a 2013 Search Engine Watch post. “Focus toward tactics that will play to Google’s more complex side: Mapping queries to actions,… Continue Reading

We hate the form, so cue social login

In short answer to the question in the title, no. Facebook and Google became Internet giants for much more varied reasons — and, in the process, put themselves in each other’s crosshairs.

Facebook eliminating clickbait headlines is a purely business move

You may have heard about Facebook’s attempts to eliminate / remove ‘click bait,’ or, essentially, articles that kind of tease you into clicking on them — bait you, in other words — with a controversial or attention-seeking headline or photo, then fail to… Continue Reading


For higher landing page conversion rates, try a survey

I’ve been thinking a little bit more about landing pages and conversion rates recently; I do it in my own job, and some freelance efforts, but it’s also just something I’m interested in. I watched an entire video this morning… Continue Reading

ChromeBook could supplant iPads in schools because of a simple contextual functionality

This is a cool story — it initially appeared on The Atlantic, but I saw it over on Quartz, and ostensibly, it’s about the educational technology sector, which is damn near close to $10 billion/year (up 2.5 percent from last year). There… Continue Reading

When you complain about Google and privacy, please also think about John Henry Skillern

You can make a fairly compelling argument that “privacy” is the issue of the moment in some ways. Everyone’s concerned about how much information is out there about all of us via Google and Facebook and credit card purchases and… Continue Reading

Satya Nadella and Microsoft just hit one of the all-time corporate pivot moments

Remember back in about 1996, when there were all sorts of pre-Internet memes about how, if Bill Gates stumbled across a $20 on the street, it actually wasn’t worth his time to bend over and pick it up? Everyone thought they… Continue Reading