The Blunder Years, Episode 38: My girlfriend and I discuss life, Lent, loss, love

My girlfriend and I tape a discussion, briefly, about life, Lent, loss, decision-making, love in the time of corona, and Samson dog. Continue Reading

Safety-inclined vs. growth-inclined

Plus: If you’re around New Jersey on October 9-10, I’ve got a little offer for you. Continue Reading

What matters is the moment AFTER the moment

It’s not about getting through the shit. It’s about what you do once you’re initially through. Continue Reading

Easter and all the rest: You gotta live it

Being a good person isn’t about one snazzy Instagram photo every few weeks, fam. Continue Reading


We really need to stop deifying Silicon Valley

Steve Jobs (ha!) actually predicted the demise of Silicon Valley. Continue Reading


Do we now lip-service the importance of education?

Importance of education

Kinda feels like the same thing as an exec discussing “mission and vision.” Continue Reading

Business expansion? That’s all about Legos.

Business Expansion

Where psychology meets growth. Continue Reading


Growth and innovation come from the customer

Growth and innovation come from the customer

Here’s an interview with a marketing professor (Tim Calkins) at Kellogg/Northwestern where he’s discussing innovation and products and revenue growth and all that good stuff. Here’s a money quote: It’s not enough just to look for opportunities and innovations and new… Continue Reading