Success actually isn’t a good teacher

If you were to line up a bunch of people in any industry, or job, or even family … and then you were to ask them, “Who do you learn from?” … I think most of the answers you’d get would be around… Continue Reading


Overwork is bad for you — and your company

I’m fully of the belief that 55 hours of work/week is a hard ceiling, but I also know a ton of people I’ve worked with over my life who run around screaming about headcount, bandwith, and deliverables with their hair… Continue Reading


When we force employees to be inauthentic, that hurts employee engagement

I’m personally of the belief that one of the only things we really have in this social media-leaning, go-go-go world of 2015 is our emotions, and yet, no one really talks about those as much as they should. (Sad.) Here’s a completely… Continue Reading


The three types of workplace fear

Here’s an article about passive aggressiveness at work (which is something that ideally would have ended in the 1400s), and the author brings up an interesting point near the end. There are essentially three types of fear at work (there are… Continue Reading


You can’t skip the second act in life

Brene Brown is the speaker behind one of the most popular TED Talks of all-time, and now she’s got a new book coming out — so she’s making the media rounds. Here she is with Fast Company: Last year, Brown gave… Continue Reading

How about relationships before revenue?

I’ve worked a lot of different places, and had a lot of different bosses, and observed a lot of different senior management teams (and been friends with quite a few), and most of them focus on revenue (and/or growth) first and foremost. This… Continue Reading


I volunteered at a kids’ carnival and learned a lot about how adults work

I got back from a week in Las Vegas – which is a long time to be there – on Friday night around 11pm. I hung out with my wife for a while, as I barely remembered what she looked like at… Continue Reading


On the scarcity of promotions and fear at work

I pretty much started blogging because I have a specific way of thinking about different topics — especially around work — and I wanted to throw a few ideas out there and see if anyone felt the same way. So,… Continue Reading