Where do people seemingly want to work? In two words: San Francisco

Cities have regularly been of the mindset that if they lower taxes for businesses, said businesses will come running and put up shiny HQ buildings in said cities. In reality, that’s not the case; businesses like to be near available… Continue Reading


Brief thought exercise: should recruiting really go through Human Resources?

Can the “compliance” brain reconcile with the “need for innovative talent” brain? Continue Reading

The hiring process also falls apart because everything’s ultimately a sale

What’s the line from Glengarry Glen Ross? ABC? Always Be Closing? Everything’s a sale at some moment in organizational culture, and the job interview is no different — the hiring manager and the HR rep are trying to upsell the company… Continue Reading

Jared Leto (yes, that Jared Leto) is now discussing the future of Human Resources

This one was interesting to me because I write about Human Resources and its functionality a lot, and here comes a cloud-based HR services company called Zenefits that may disrupt the entire HR industry (see the video above). It just… Continue Reading


Will the culture of being busy lead to an Essentialist movement eventually?

I’ve had a bunch of job interviews in the past two months or so, and whenever we get to the “What do you want in a corporate culture?” question, I usually mention the idea of a place where not everyone… Continue Reading

What Greyhound Bus Lines is doing might be the future of business in America

Greyhound turned 100 this year — by contrast, Google is about 17 — and you can easily argue that the relevance of the brand, aside from broke-arse college kids trying to get home for holidays and/or “last-ditch options” when flights are grounded,… Continue Reading

Has LinkedIn really made recruiting that much better? (Probably not.)

Sure, sure … I get it. It’s the world largest professional network, and in some ways, it can be a massive traffic driver (albeit one with some inherent contradictions too). If you’re applying for a job and you’re not on there, you’re… Continue Reading

Forget summer Fridays. Why do people work in an office on Fridays in the summer at all?

This morning, I probably sent seven e-mails related to different things to people with office jobs. I got six auto-replies about them being out this Friday (bear in mind, for most people this week didn’t even start until Tuesday). That’s… Continue Reading