Wait, isn’t ageism paradoxical to making the most money possible?

The way companies make decisions is so flawed. Continue Reading

Is burnout at work all because of perceived incompetence of others?

Trust but verify, maybe? Continue Reading

Paradox: Our quest for credibility reduces the quality of work

Credibility is a great thing. But the quest towards it can take some warped forms at work. Continue Reading


On the fear of not being good enough

Fear of not being good enough

The No. 1 question of the modern workforce: how do we develop people who are scared of what the future holds for them and their families? Continue Reading

Loss aversion explains a lot of business

Loss Aversion

The AI robots haven’t come for our jobs just yet. As such, work is populated by people — and hence an emotional place. We often remove psychology from these discussions, opting instead for focusing on supposed operational excellence. This fails us and creates turnover. And now: loss aversion! Continue Reading

The leadership void, explained

Linda Hill and Kent Lineback appear to collaborate often, including on this book about “imperatives for becoming a great leader.” (The No. 1 imperative for that, IMHO, is caring about something more than just targets.) They wrote an article for Harvard Business Review on… Continue Reading


The three types of workplace fear

Here’s an article about passive aggressiveness at work (which is something that ideally would have ended in the 1400s), and the author brings up an interesting point near the end. There are essentially three types of fear at work (there are… Continue Reading


I volunteered at a kids’ carnival and learned a lot about how adults work

I got back from a week in Las Vegas – which is a long time to be there – on Friday night around 11pm. I hung out with my wife for a while, as I barely remembered what she looked like at… Continue Reading