Is there a solution for the perils of long-term unemployment?

“Coming to you like a beggar, hat in hand…” Le sigh. Continue Reading


Shut the f*ck up about unemployment rate, as the stat is meaningless

The bigger picture of an economy is a complex ecosystem, and relying on one number that’s easily manipulated doesn’t do the big picture justice. Continue Reading

Future employment: Data translators

Future employment

Following the bouncing ball (or the data-brick road). Continue Reading

It might actually suck more to NOT lose your job to automation

It might be worse if a robot doesn't steal your job

Work automation is coming, baby! The highest numbers you’ll see in various articles are close to 50 percent — meaning 1 in 2 jobs could be automated someday. That’s a whole thing, no? Today, Fast Company has an article about “What Work Will… Continue Reading

The job market is killing the marriage market

Last March, there were some studies out indicating that 15 percent of currently-single people may never get married. Since then, we’ve seen new data that singles make up half the U.S. population (first time ever, apparently), and now there’s this: we… Continue Reading


No one really understands the unemployment rate

There are actually six different “unemployment rates,” although predominantly when people use that term in cocktail party banter, they mean “the number of people looking for work who can’t actively find it.” But by no means is that the entire picture (I wrote… Continue Reading


People will tell you “the last jobs report was good!” Show ’em these two charts re: unemployment rate and labor force participation.

Chart 1: Chart 2: Both charts are via here. The easy headline for the jobs report is “288K new jobs created!” or “Unemployment rate drops to 6.3 percent, lowest in years!” An even more robust header for it might be “The U.S. is… Continue Reading


Yes: Italy, Spain and Greece still have massive unemployment. But the Euro Zone picture isn’t awful when compared to the United States.

You’ve probably been hearing about the insanely high unemployment numbers for some European countries for the last several years — the number I most hear associated with Spain is 27 percent, and over 50 percent of youth, while similarly horrible… Continue Reading