Onboarding and off-sites need to be more spaced out

Let it breathe. Continue Reading

The best employees are good running backs

Use your blockers. Continue Reading


Close to 85% of your job might be meaningless

Do nothing all day and still get paid? Yeppers. Continue Reading

Monday meeting: Don’t dread it; let it save you

Monday meeting

A way of thinking that might blow your mind. Continue Reading

Need for closure personalities hurt workplaces

Need for closure

Pros and cons to this style in the modern working world. Continue Reading


Let’s end the ‘schedule a call’ culture

Schedule a call

“Hop on a call this week?” Continue Reading

The gravest meeting planning sin

Meeting Planning

Gotta respect time like you respect money, honey. Continue Reading


Action items: Why is this so hard for people?

Action Items

“… well I dunno, I’ll guess I’ll send some follow-up emails and we can all get together and meet again…” Continue Reading