The power of narrative on belief structure, politically and otherwise

How do you choose what to believe and what not to believe, and how much do “data” and “expertise” really play in? Continue Reading

Trump vs. Biden is consequential, but guys, it’s not the end of your life either way

Big-time, top-of-ticket elections are important, absolutely. But do they define the rest of your existence? No. Continue Reading


“If you feel that everything is terrible and everyone lies, then people don’t want to engage in civic discourse…”

Welcome to the lessons of Election Day 2020 (USA), which are more hopeful than maybe we realize. Continue Reading

The Blunder Years, Episode 64: COVID schools and old dudes on Facebook

A wide-ranging discussion on what a “libertarian” is, old white dudes on Facebook, teachers, COVID schools, Elon Musk, and decision-making in your 20s. Continue Reading


Do you really think the government could keep a conspiracy quiet for years? Honestly?

There’s too much need for relevance, need for attention, too many silos, and too much politics to believe a conspiracy would never be leaked. Continue Reading


You would think this might be a moment that we throw less shit at each other, right?

In a time we theoretically discuss the need for unity, our discourse has become super divisive. Are we on the ledge? Continue Reading


Does it ever feel like we’re just all swimming in a giant sea of bullshit?

It seems that, politically and often at work, we just talk past each other about big issues and don’t “engage” as much. Is everything becoming BS? Continue Reading


People don’t care as much about stuff as we think they do

Putin and all-hands revenue growth meetings don’t always matter. Continue Reading