Gird your loins: Brooklyn is now officially “Manhattan Part II”

See that chart? Egad. (Via here.) In early 2009, the difference between similar apartments in Manhattan and Brooklyn was $1,800 per month. Now it’s around $210 per month. Just a quick reminder of how urban areas develop / certain spots become… Continue Reading

Alex Hribal stabbing case: if you believe the media coverage wasn’t that major, why? Is it because the weapon was a knife or because there were no immediate deaths?

If you go to Huffington Post this morning — a liberal publication, one might argue — the PA stabbing story from yesterday isn’t even above the digital fold. It is on CNN, although it’s not the top story — that’s the search… Continue Reading


A completely unscientific look at Ross and Rachel, Danny and Mindy, Jess and Nick and the culture of will-they-or-won’t-they

Yesterday, The Guardian wrote this about The Mindy Project: The Mindy Project‘s Mindy and Danny are TV’s last romantic hope. There is no longer any great ‘will-they, won’t-they’ mystery, because they have (kissed on an airplane, which was amazing), and now they will. The final shot… Continue Reading

Is UberRush going to change the world, or ultimately make it more depressing?

Uber — which may have been on a path towards world domination anyway — just launched this thing called UberRush (trial version is in Manhattan), which essentially works like this: You want to send your air mattress to your friend… Continue Reading

What exactly has happened with the Canada-based NHL teams being so bad?

There are seven NHL teams based in Canada (23 based in America), including some of the proudest franchises in the sport (Montreal Canadiens, Toronto Maple Leafs, Edmonton Oilers, etc.) The 2014 playoffs begin on April 16 — so in about… Continue Reading

Maybe something called Slack could revolutionize the workplace

So many people you meet will spend time pursuing/chasing “Inbox Zero,” denoting it as a badge of accomplishment. But then, er, IBM has done studies indicating that a clean, organized inbox holds no essential benefit. Maybe it’s better to not organize… Continue Reading


Why does everyone call their e-mail marketing an “e-blast?”

Over the last 72 hours, even after using, I’ve gotten about 20 things called an “e-blast.” I had never thought that much about this before, but where I’m working part-time right now calls their own internal e-mail every Tuesday/Wednesday… Continue Reading

Somehow, 20 years after “The Mask,” 2014 might be the year of Cameron Diaz

This could be the year of Shailene Woodley, or maybe in a looser way Miles Teller (or hell, maybe even Steve Carrell), but it’s doubtful anyone is going to be in as many mass-promoted movies in 2014 as Cameron Diaz. Consider… Continue Reading