Does having a personal brand mean you’re less authentic?

Saw this on Harvard Business Review this morning: What can a personal brand do for your career, and what’s the best way to start building one? Here’s the thing: I hate it when people talk about personal brand.  Those words… Continue Reading

How to save more money: start by feeling more powerful, and thinking that power is connected to savings

So says new research from the Stanford PhD dissertation of Emily Garbinsky: Through a series of five experiments, the authors showed that feeling powerful — defined as having control over valuable resources — is a pleasant state that individuals are… Continue Reading


Could hierarchy die out as millennials dominate the workforce? Not so fast, my friend…

I wrote back on New Year’s Eve (because my life is enthralling) about Zappos’ corporate culture and the idea of “holacracy,” or a “distributed authority system” that basically gets rid of the traditional manager/”boss” idea. A lot of people over 35 right… Continue Reading