Here are five things I’ve learned trying to get a job out of graduate school in 2014

I went to graduate school back in August of 2012. My career focus to that point had primarily been content (writing, editing, social), but what had begun to interest me was the idea of organizations and how they develop. At the point… Continue Reading


Say it with me now: your products and processes are great, but your people do matter

Here’s a new academic working paper, summarized here, that basically says if you hire a “star” — a great performer,then — your department will be 26 percent more productive. Now, there’s a huge caveat to this study: it focused on… Continue Reading


Employee engagement and the Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends report: What can we learn?

I’m writing this at the intersection point of a couple of different aspects of my life: 1. A few years ago, I went to graduate school to focus on organizational development/behavior and employee engagement. I was interested in these topics because… Continue Reading


For years, the fear always was “maybe the job-seeker is lying.” Is the new fear “maybe the hiring manager is lying?”

Don’t have a ton of science on this topic — but do have a ton of gut and experience. My job search is seemingly never-ending and has encountered more brick walls than a bad cartoon, but I persist. I saw this article on Quartz today and… Continue Reading


If we want to solve the skills gap issue in the U.S., maybe we should turn to reciprocity (like parts of Europe)

“You don’t really know what you get,” she says. “If someone tells you they’re an electrician, they could have just exchanged light bulbs at an amusement park or they could have worked, maybe, at complex problems.” That quote is from… Continue Reading

Everyone wants to be up in arms about Kelly Blazek and her e-mails, but stuff like that happens a lot

If you haven’t heard the story, here’s the basics: Kelly Blazek runs a job bank in Cleveland (OH). Diana Mekota, a millennial, was looking to connect with Blazek — who has a strong LinkedIn presence and ties to some hiring managers… Continue Reading


Recruiting and how the ‘Rule of 3’ breaks down: communication, meetings, cross-purposes

Feel like I’ve been posting a lot recently about the flaws in the recruiting process, so I’ll keep this one a little brief to avoid overload on that front. I saw this Lou Adler post on LinkedIn today about “The… Continue Reading