Maybe a smile is the most powerful thing in the world

Great Smile

That sounds like a brutally cheesy headline, right? No doubt. But think about this: I was trolling the Stanford Graduate School of Business website, as I’m wanton to do, and I found a video by Jennifer Aaker (a professor there) about… Continue Reading


Younger Catholics seem to be OK with homosexuality

Catholic Church and Homsexuality

I converted to Catholicism in March of 2013. I wouldn’t necessarily say I was anything major before that — I think technically I was Protestant — but I converted in part because it seemed relevant / interesting (my mom grew… Continue Reading


In terms of leadership, we should all be spitfires

Australian Leadership Bugs

Many animal societies have “despotic” leadership models, meaning that the leaders dominate the followers. You see this in societies such as wolves, etc. Perga affinis, a type of insect common in Australia (often called a “spitfire” or “sawfly”) may be… Continue Reading


Your restaurant can look like crap, so long as it’s “authentic”

Unclean Restaurant

A couple of years ago, my wife and I — who at the time I believe was just my significant other — were walking with another couple in Astoria, over in Queens (over in New York — why do I keep… Continue Reading


Statistically, learning probably beats knowing right now

I’m a huge fan of people that actually pursue learning — I feel like “CQ” should be in the conversation with “EQ” and “IQ” always — and I think one of the biggest flaws with our standard hiring processes is… Continue Reading

If you’re a woman looking to get married, move west of the Mississippi

The job market is killing the marriage market, meaning that women want some stability (i.e. a job) in the men they end up with — and because of the economy and our godforsaken hiring practices, the percentage of men with… Continue Reading


Two simple ways to be a better leader: walk around, share credit

Get out there and press the flesh instead of hiding in meetings. Honestly. Continue Reading

Alcohol does lead to social bravery, and moreso in men

I drink, and probably a bit too much sometimes, and I often wonder about the primary reason for that. I think it typically comes back to this: social bonding. It’s pretty easy for me, as a guy, to go to a… Continue Reading