Guest Post: The future of talent management

Talent Management Strategy

The post-COVID re-awakening, perhaps? Continue Reading


The empty promise of hiring

Hiring Process is Broken

What does education promise, and then what does the hiring process deliver? Continue Reading

Welcome to the platform thinking era

Platform Thinking

How the psychology of change, coupled with fear, cripples a lot of executive decision-making. Continue Reading


Talent management strategy should leave HR

Talent Management Strategy

I know: let’s put the acquisition of people — a company’s biggest cost and greatest resource — into the hands of a department that executives barely care about. This will end super well. Continue Reading

The A-Player fallacy


We deify the idea, but it’s mostly wrong. Continue Reading


Attracting top talent is actually fairly simple

Attracting Top Talent Can Be Simple

Back in June 2014, I sat in a Starbucks near Copley Square in Boston and wrote this post on whether recruiting should even be a function of Human Resources anymore. At the time, I was applying for jobs — I was… Continue Reading

Only 13.3% of the 30 global talent hubs are in the United States

My friend blasted me at this wedding last weekend and said I read every column inch of CityLab, which may or may not be 100 percent true (but is probably close to true). I was just reading it — GUILTY AS… Continue Reading