“Diversity as the signature of our democracy” and, er, white male backlash

“White male rage.” Continue Reading

Why would a middle manager be anything less than a glorified cop?

Middle Managers

It’s funny that we’re debating the role of cops and the role of managers at the same time. It’s often the same job. Continue Reading

The Great Resignation narrative feels like a sham

Won’t someone think of the Gen X’ers? Continue Reading


We need to get rid of all the Silicon Valley archetypes and narratives

It’s OK to run a small tile business, honestly. Continue Reading

“Apathy’s a tragedy, and boredom is a crime” = An organizational mantra

Bo Burnham, describing the Internet and work. Continue Reading

“Ban politics at work!” But what would that even look like?

How necessary is this discussion, even? Continue Reading

What’s the big goal of diversity initiatives, honestly?

Start with the goals, not the minute details. Continue Reading

Is this finally the moment that we pipe out meaningless middle managers?

Robots in the middle? Robots in the middle. Continue Reading