On do-everything vs. ‘best of breed’

Best of Breed

I went to this conference for work last week, and ’twas hosted by a CMS (content management system). I was walking around like a total mess at this thing, mostly because it was developer-focused and I’m a content/marketing guy (I can’t… Continue Reading

Why do I always say “ground and pound” on Facebook?

Ground and Pound

I’m a weird person, and I do/say weird things, especially on Facebook. For a while it was “Get What’s Yours” (probably 2010-11), along with “Fucking Get What’s Yours” (expletives are fun), and for a period in there it was also… Continue Reading

Why is it so hard to achieve purpose at work?

Purpose At Work

In the simplest terms, it’s because your boss doesn’t give a shit. Continue Reading


What if work had mandatory “Stop And Think” periods?

Take Breaks At Work

I went to Horace Mann for high school, which is in the Bronx. It’s definitely a pretty elitist place, and also considered one of the better private schools in America by some. My junior year, they initiated this thing called “J-Period.”… Continue Reading


By 2050, minorities will be the majority

Minorities Outnumbering Whites In U..S.

Back-to-school 2014 was the first time in U.S. history that more minorities than whites were in public schools. That’s somewhat of an epoch moment, especially for those who believe “America” is for “Americans” — which ignores the entire narrative that the… Continue Reading


The approach to meetings needs to change

Meetings Are Stupid

Alright, let’s start off with a couple of basics. Hopefully most people understand that: Meetings aren’t work; they’re a way of talking about work. Meetings are a gigantic time suck. Often the wrong people come to the meetings, the right people don’t,… Continue Reading


‘Out-of-office’ is the most bullshit thing in history

Out Of Office

A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure/benefit of going to Belgium for work — and when I came back, I had the pleasure/benefit (in a much different way) of meeting a Medtronic sales guy at a bar in… Continue Reading

Outlook should just cut e-mails off at five lines

Cut Off E-Mail At 5 Lines

We know, from some form of research, that human attention span has decreased over time — and we know that the average time someone reads an e-mail is about 30 seconds before they kind of lose the task/focus associated with it. 30… Continue Reading