The Blunder Years, Episode 5: The Encouragement Engineer and the “reality of life kicking in”

Work-life balance

Work-life balance, losing parents and losing kids, not being able to give 110 percent at work anymore, and the “value chasm” of individuals. Continue Reading

Yea, uh, sorry Bill, but no one in this office actually cares about that thing

Everything in some organizations can feel important and urgent and “I needed this yesterday.” A lot of that is just BS. Continue Reading


The Blunder Years, Episode 4: From gun in mouth to human growth

At some point in late 2016, Sid Clevinger had a gun in his mouth and had lost $150,000. Now he’s doing much better. Here’s the journey. Continue Reading


For this whole “data revolution” to work, we need to remove the fear from it

The whole idea of “big” data and how we deify it as the new oil is actually scary and overwhelming to most employees. Continue Reading

Ah, look, another HR Tech conference where nothing actually changes…

HR Tech conferences go round and round in a circle, year after year, full of sound and fury but signifying little. Continue Reading