2015 Business Trend: Synthesis in, analysis out

Synthesis and Analysis

For a lot of people, the words “synthesis” and “analysis” might be synonyms in a work context. In fact, they technically mean different things. Synthesis is the process of building information up, and analysis is the process of breaking information down. You can… Continue Reading


Use analytics to make yourself more productive

Analytics and Personal Productivity

Most people I’ve ever worked with spend a lot of time doing two very specific, and at-cross-purposes, things: they (a) complain about how busy they are all the time, and they (b) embrace new trends when they arise — and… Continue Reading

Cortana nailed the World Cup. Can it predict the NFL?

Remember this summer, how Cortana (the Microsoft personal assistant device) was perfect at predicting the knockout round of the World Cup? Well, in the immortal words of Seinfeld: The app is going to try and predict every NFL game this season —… Continue Reading

The future of politics (are you listening, Rand Paul?) could be addressable advertising

It seems like people have been discussing this idea of “what Big Data can really do” for years without tremendously tangible day-to-day results (possibly because of this and this). Still, it seems logical that as SmartPhones become the primary gadget… Continue Reading


Big data is the future, but no one seems to understand it and we’re not teaching it enough. Can this end well?

Let’s follow the bouncing ball here: 1. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) released the top 10 office trends of 2014 recently; admittedly it reads a little bit like a press release from someone in their 50s who’s nervous… Continue Reading


Tremendous truism about Big Data: C-Level executives value it, but have no idea what to do with it

Tremendous headline over on CIO right now: C-Level Execs Value Data, Have No Idea What To Do With It. This could be an earlier leader on the nerd/wonk front for best headline of the year, because it is unflinchingly and utterly true. You… Continue Reading

Breathless business strategy analysis time: Why did Apple buy Topsy?

That video above explains to you what Topsy basically does: it allows you to search through about 400 million tweets sent every day and figure out trends around them. Since Twitter’s biggest value is essentially that it can cover information… Continue Reading