How long will this “gut feel” vs. “use analytics” debate go on?

Value of People Analytics

This is a super-long, but super-interesting discussion between two UPenn professors (Adam Grant and Cade Massey) on the rise of people analytics, how teams can work effectively, and how we should be hiring, amongst other topics. A video is also… Continue Reading


Uber’s Big Data revenue push begins

Uber and Big Data

I wrote this back on January 5, 2014; that’s over a year ago. I am by no means an intelligent person, but I realized the potential value of Uber even before I ever actually sat foot in an Uber. (My wife and… Continue Reading

Here’s another CMO study. What can it tell us?

Social Media ROI CMO Studies

Here’s a new CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) study, this time of 1,434 CMOs. (More here.) It appears the focus of this one was “social insights,” which is a valuable thing to poll 1400 CMOs about. Duke University did a CMO survey… Continue Reading

The six traits that an attractive city supposedly needs

What Makes A City Beautiful?

Here are two interesting concepts related to this discussion: A lot of times, people will say things such as “The beauty of a city is subjective!” To a certain extent, that’s true; it’s also true that how someone perceives a… Continue Reading

Spend some actual time on your website’s FAQ page

Don't Ignore your FAQ page

Every company you ever speak to is somewhere in the process of redoing something about their website, and usually doing it mostly wrong — i.e. focusing on bells and whistles, and/or “something they saw on a comparison site,” as opposed… Continue Reading

CMOs will spend more money on analytics, yes. But will they do it right?

Is Marketing Analytics A Good Thing?

Via TrackMaven, here are some key takeaways from the 2015 CMO Survey. In general, marketing spending will rise — and especially on analytics, which may double: By “double” in this case, though, it’s still only slightly above 1/10th of the entire… Continue Reading


What if Big Data actually makes decision-making slower?

Big Data and Decision Making

Here’s what we seem to know about the idea of “Big Data” at this point: More or less, it might be “the future.” Despite it being the “future,” we don’t seem to be teaching it enough yet for the next… Continue Reading

Netflix’s success isn’t really about algorithms

Netflix and Algorithms

We live in this algorithm-dominated world now, and part of the reason that emerged — aside from simply better technology and people focusing on it — was because for generations, a ton of big decisions were made on the gut… Continue Reading