The power of narrative on belief structure, politically and otherwise

How do you choose what to believe and what not to believe, and how much do “data” and “expertise” really play in? Continue Reading

It’s a “belief-driven” world, not a “data-driven” one, fam

It’s not nearly as “data-driven” a world as we claim it is, but rather one constructed on beliefs, assumptions, and confirmation bias. We’re all guilty. Continue Reading


Are we becoming less religious?

Are we now less religious?

First, look at this chart (it’s from here): In general, then, richer nations — UK, Germany, Japan, Australia — tend to be less religious, but the U.S. actually seems to be far more religious than other nations among its wealth-generating peers.


The future of work: Is your manager orthopraxic or orthodox?

Work and Orthodoxy vs. Orthopraxicy

For a while, I was thinking that the essence of “future of work” discussions was this whole maximizer vs. satisficer issue. That means you can either have a hard-driving, professionalism-demanding, results-oriented boss who wants perfection (a maximizer) or someone who is… Continue Reading

If you truly believe in yourself, does ‘leverage’ at work still matter?

Believe In Yourself

I went to the gym this morning — I think it’s Wednesday, which means I’ve been three-four straight days, which, well, fuck you and go me — and while there, I toggled between about six different Pandora stations across the… Continue Reading