How about a better way to set work rules?

Set Better Work Rules

To a certain extent, process is everything at work. It needs to be there because people can’t just go off willy-nilly and do whatever the hell they want within their workflow, but the general idea of process is terrifying in the hands… Continue Reading


So wait, what are you so busy with anyway?

I could probably write an entire book on this concept, but for right here and right now, I’ll limit it to a dinky little blog post. I’ve already written about “The Busy Trap” once (here), and when I repurposed that… Continue Reading


Focus on the stuff that works. Let the other stuff go.


This is an interesting little rundown of a number of top digital marketers all essentially saying the same thing, which is “After a while, you need to cut bait on some projects.” It kind of lines up with the idea… Continue Reading


Take a vacation with your friends/family, you overworked dipshit

Take Time For Vacations

Americans love to think of themselves as busy workaholics — even though, give or take, they do about 590 hours of actual work per year — and as a result, they can’t sacrifice time for vacations; they annually leave about… Continue Reading

Only about 1 in 10 Americans can balance being busy with being happy

The balance seems a bit depressing, right? Continue Reading


Stop telling me how busy you are

Stop telling me how busy you are

I read this in Slate before I went to bed last night and it resonated with me. Essentially, if we view the idea of being busy as so awful, why do we constantly tell others about it in a way that’s akin… Continue Reading


Ultimate life hacks: flow and making tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge

I had an interview with 3M last year — if you’re not familiar, they invented the Post-It Note — and the interviewer says to me right off the bat, “Well, why do you want to work at 3M?” I wasn’t… Continue Reading