Is Chicago safer, or is it a mirage?

Chicago has been almost the one-word association for U.S. violence over the past 30 months, but their 2013 data seems promising: crime’s down 16 percent and homicides are down 18 percent. New York, Houston, and Los Angeles also saw pretty significant… Continue Reading


This one paragraph essentially summarizes one of America’s biggest challenges today

More than a third of American colleges and universities have deteriorating finances, according to a 2012 report. While more Americans find that a college degree is their only ticket to the middle class, fewer institutions are able to provide it at… Continue Reading

What might the airport of the future look like?

The process of going through an airport hasn’t changed much with the advent of new technology (it’s obviously changed a good deal since 9/11, but that’s a different story). If you’re flying VIP, there might be a couple of interesting/different… Continue Reading


Some important Big Data milestones around gay rights, marijuana, and the U.S. role as a global cop

2014 is about 1.25 days old right now in the United States, and it feels pretty OK so far — with the exception of the passing of Uncle Phil, nothing majorly monumental seems to have happened (and I’m not sure… Continue Reading


If you want to talk about the 2016 Presidential election, talk less about Chris Christie and Hilary Clinton and more about wind and solar energy

Here’s the chain of events on this one: Warren Buffett, about two weeks ago, spent $1 billion (through his utility company, MidAmerican Energy Holdings) to help finance five different wind turbine projects in Iowa. That was the largest-ever order (for land-based… Continue Reading

More people are moving to the South and the West in the U.S., and that 3.1 percent North Dakota uptick is… OH GOD A TRAIN JUST BLEW UP

Some new census data is out on the topic of where Americans move to. This stuff is always interesting, and this one is no exception. Most Americans are moving to the South and the West, generically speaking. From Real Clear Politics:… Continue Reading


Tony Hsieh, Zappos, Darwin and (maybe) the future of work

If you ask a woman anywhere north of about 16 right now to name a good company for customer service, I’d bet you $10 (and that’s a lot for me, if we’re being open here) that within the first three… Continue Reading


The five best-performing stocks of 2013 were … Tesla (check), Netflix (check), Twitter (check), Herbalife (check), and … Best Buy?

The first couple seem to make sense — Tesla could be the future of cars, Netflix is just crushing it in every way, Twitter had an IPO this year, and Herbalife, well, at the very least they drop dime on… Continue Reading