What type of failure might eventually predict success?

Don’t keep reinventing. Continue Reading


The Blunder Years, Episode 22: Work self? Personal self? Uh, it’s the same self.

A conversation between Vadim Lieberman and I on all sorts o various crap, including authenticity and feedback. Continue Reading


When your boss sucks, everyone knows it, everyone talks with each other about it, but …

Stop promoting assholes

The promise, and the peril, of delivering feedback up a chain of command. Continue Reading


How could everyone’s feedback possibly matter?


Why would you listen to and care about the feedback of people who out-rank you if they’ve never shown they care about you at all? Continue Reading


The low-credibility feedback problem

Why would you care what a boss who doesn’t seem to care about you says about your work? Continue Reading

Rewards and recognition programs need some real help

Rewards and recognition

Dirty little secret: most people make money by making other people more money. Continue Reading

Performance feedback really isn’t as hard as we think

Performance feedback

It’s really amazing how bad most managers are at feedback. Continue Reading


Does employee feedback have to be such a train wreck? (No.)

Employee feedback

We all know the buzzwords here. Can we slice through them? Continue Reading