The “do your job, keep your job” idea has been mostly dead for decades

Even if you’re a warrior for your company, there’s no guarantee you’ll be able to stay there. That’s just the modern contract. Continue Reading


Consistent, massive layoffs do not make you a good business dude (sorry)

Layoffs should not be considered “strategic.” While they save a company money, they do a bunch of harm. Can we realize that yet? Continue Reading


Stop telling me to bring my passion to work, because dude, I don’t want to get fired

We’d all love some purpose in our work, but purpose doesn’t buy diapers. We need checks too. So let’s avoid getting #piped. Continue Reading

Business journalism is increasingly such trash

We simplify complex issues and we totally ignore human psychology in our biz journalism discussions. Continue Reading

What if we thought of getting fired as a good thing?

The prism of self-awareness can save you. Continue Reading


“You’re going to get fired in three months.”

This may sound like Paltrow and Chris Martin stuff, but it might work. Continue Reading


How are cost-cutting measures still a strategy?

Cost-Cutting Measures

Change is hard for those who’ve only thought of the concept of “business” in one way. Continue Reading

IBM is about to cut 26 percent of its workforce? Jesus Christ.

One of America’s most iconic companies, on the ropes. Continue Reading