Does business journalism really have value?

Harvard Business Review

In short answer, yes: Fast Company was sold for $35 million back in 2005, for example. Inherently, there’s value in the field of reporting on business, leadership, management, etc. Here’s what got me thinking about all this, though. 


What’s the most important word for business teamwork?

While we work in teams, we don’t actually do our work in teams — and that’s the rub. Continue Reading


Experience may mean very little when choosing leadership

There’s a whole culture in business / hiring around development vs. poaching. The idea is rooted in the belief that, if you have an open position and 3-4 internals who can fill it, you should still look elsewhere. Part of that is… Continue Reading


What if one weekly meeting took up 300,000 hours of manpower in a year? That’s the entire year of 34 people’s lives. But this stuff happens.

Take a deep breath and say it with me: not everything needs to be a meeting. Pause, and now say it loud and say it proud: some things can be an e-mail, a quick talk in the hallway, or a trip to… Continue Reading


Can we learn anything from the most popular titles (short-term and long-term) on Harvard Business Review?

In some ways, Harvard Business Review is the gold standard of business-school-associated journalism. One of their former editors went on to found Fast Company (another great business magazine) and is now running for Governor of New Mexico. HBR dutifully tracks — as most publications do —… Continue Reading


Alan Webber, the founding editor of Fast Company, is running for Governor of New Mexico. Can he win?

You do see people go from the “business / we solve problems” part of the world to the “politics / we talk about problems and periodically solve them” part of the world, although increasingly it feels like there are a… Continue Reading


Human Resources: Sometimes excellent, sometimes a train wreck, often in the middle

The top-rated article on HBR’s blog right now is called “How Netflix Reinvented HR.” It talks broadly about the “Netflix Culture: Freedom and Responsibility” PowerPoint created by Reed Hastings and Patty McCord (who wrote the HBR article), that Sheryl Sandberg (of… Continue Reading