The Blunder Years, Episode 37: In conversation with my pastor on, well, a bunch of stuff

Even though I curse online sometimes and people assume I’m not religious as a result (weird), I somewhat am — so here’s me and my pastor talking life. Continue Reading


Absentee managers are “the silent killer” of companies

They hide, often in plain sight, and seriously damage engagement. Continue Reading

Future of work: “Mindsets and behaviors must be changed”

Time for a paradigm shift. Continue Reading

If you believe in disruption, you can’t embrace conformity

This is psychologically counter-intuitive for many people. Continue Reading

If you think you’re not the office asshole, you probably are

What if you’re the problem? Continue Reading


Will hierarchical structure ever die out?

Hierarchical structure

This is a slog. Continue Reading

Compensatory behavior is, well, everything

Compensatory behavior

All about closing that gap between “who you really are” and “who you want to be seen as,” which has implications at work and on social media. Continue Reading

Will CEO responsibilities ever really shift?

CEO responsibilities

If VUCA is real and disruption is near, then shouldn’t CEOs be viewed differently — and/or chasing new targets? Yes. But this isn’t happening as much as it should. Continue Reading