Empathy is all the rage right now in work discussions, but it needs action items

How do we help people “get there” on practicing and understanding empathy? Continue Reading

Misinformation ain’t just a politics/social media issue. It’s a big work issue.

Work is largely about power and control, and those things provide powerful incentives for lying. Continue Reading

Most managers ain’t gonna do jack shit without incentives, honestly

Why would a manager care about “contagion” and “mood management” if he’s got a mile-long to-do list? Continue Reading

Will the role of a manger change post-COVID?

A lot of stuff has changed. More will. (Some won’t.) What will be the role of managers in all of it? Continue Reading

As you’d expect, the corporate open letter on voting restriction is toothless

Performative more than productive. Continue Reading

“Work is a family!” = often a lie (or … is it?)

Work is more like, ahem, a neighborhood. Continue Reading

Stop spending on wellness initiatives and make my job more secure?

Job security and steady income helps with our health. Continue Reading


Senior Management 101: The distraction strategy

Kick the can. Continue Reading