The first step of employee advocacy is the hardest one

The first step towards employee advocacy

Most places I’ve ever worked have no real idea what ’employee advocacy’ even is, so maybe we should begin there. It basically refers to the promotion of an organization’s brand by its employees, potentially (largely) on social media. This allows… Continue Reading

‘How do consumers find our product?’ has become ‘How do algorithms find it?’

Algorithms are key to consumer acquisition strategies

Many marketing and sales types — as well as high-level executives — often worry about how potential consumers will find their products, and rush around screaming about KPIs and ROI and deliverables and optimized lead generation programs, all of which… Continue Reading

Chart: Most CMOs have no clue about digital marketing

CMOs Don't Understand Digital Marketing

The chart above comes from this post, and is kind of similar to a post I once wrote about people “not getting it” in terms of digital marketing, especially because you can make money from digital. CMOs have been claiming for years that… Continue Reading


Marketing: Worry less about ‘content,’ more about ‘stories’

Marketing is now about stories you tell

Marketing is about to undergo either a revolution or an evolution, in large part because the majority of post-WW2 marketing in most major industries has been actually centered on advertisements. By this point in human evolution, most people know how… Continue Reading


Tie marketing back to emotions

Emotions and Consumer Behavior

Marketers spend a lot of time worried about ‘power branding’ and ‘automation suites’ and ‘the biggest possible number,’ and in reality? Very few of those things actually matter. We live in a much different world than we did even in 2003. That has… Continue Reading


What if traditional marketing dies?

I once wrote a post about the potential of advertising to die as an industry, and now I’m thinking the same thing of its closest cousin (fraternal twin?), marketing. In reality, here’s what will probably happen: neither will die, per se,… Continue Reading


What actually drives consumer behavior?

Consumer behavior is a fairly big racket at some level. For smaller purchases — so, if your widget costs less than about $100 or so — you could argue that there’s no rational way to predict the behavior of a… Continue Reading


What’s your Capital-S Story?

Here’s what we know: Storytelling is very important in marketing and branding Although less people realize it, storytelling is also very important in developing leaders About 20 percent of workers globally — give or take — see/find a sense of… Continue Reading