How critical of others is your organizational culture?

How critical of others is your work culture?

I was thinking about this last night for a while. Let me try to lay out what I’m talking about. I’ll probably do a semi-poor job, so bear with me. In every organization, regardless of size or industry, decisions need… Continue Reading


A ‘heads-down’ work culture actually is not a good thing

Heads Down Culture

If you lined up 100 managers at 100 different types of companies and asked them what types of employees they want under them, I’d assume more than 70 would describe some version of the classic ‘heads-down’ employee. That basically means a person… Continue Reading


Lack of strategy = rise of politics

Was just reading this review of #CMWorld from a few weeks ago in Cleveland — it’s a content marketing conference, if you don’t know — and came across this section: This approach is the result of us starting out with… Continue Reading


Worry less about how relevant you are

Relevant Elephant

I think there’s sometimes a big concern with the very “work is virtue” people — and you all probably know a lot of them — that if they stop working, they’ll just shrivel up and die. That happens a lot… Continue Reading


A bad culture will cost you money (and everything)

Don't have a culture of silence at your firm

One of the most unbelievable things about work to me is that old-school, high-up-the-ladder guys always give total lip service to ideas like “culture” and “employee engagement.” I understand why on face. Those are soft, fluffy topics. They can’t immediately… Continue Reading


How about work-life balance as a strategic advantage?

Work Life Balance As A Strategic Advantage

Let’s start with some honesty: if you really want to ever achieve “work-life balance,” you need to come up with a new term for it. Re-brand that shit! Here’s the essential problem: Rank-and-file employees hear that and think “That’s an… Continue Reading

How about a culture of trust via transparency?

Transparency At Work

Very buzzword-laden headline, no? I’m here for you. I fully understand, and write often about, the idea that words like “culture” and “transparency” don’t mean anything to most people in terms of making money, and the goal of most orgs… Continue Reading


Could Google Glass change the fundamental way we work?

Google Glass isn’t really even that widely available yet, and it’s already a divisive issue. Heck, Alamo Drafthouse is already banning it! But perhaps the issue here is context: we’re all thinking about this in terms of regular ol’ people on the street… Continue Reading